Acupuncture & Nutrition Articles

Health and Wellness Blog

book of spells and witches hat

Does Acupuncture Work, or is it HOCUS POCUS?

I’m often asked if acupuncture “really works”. To some degree, I understand the skepticism. I was once a grave skeptic myself. On the other hand, things that don’t work or have no use don’t typically survive several millennia. The earliest published documentation of acupuncture dates back to approximately 100 B.C.E.

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Cupping Therapy: Muscle Magic for the Weekend Warrior

What is cupping therapy? This ancient Chinese medical practice dates back more than 2,000 years, and is used to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, release toxins and relieve muscle tension. Several different types of cups are used in cupping therapy including glass, plastic and silicone. With glass cups, flame is

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