Acupuncture & Nutritional Health Practice in NJ

NJ's Premier Acupuncture & Nutrition Coaching Practice

Welcome to Restoration Health Acupuncture & Nutrition

The goal of medicine, Eastern and Western, should be to help the body do best what it already knows how to do. Our bodies are a “system of systems” and so too, should our approach to health be. We work with each patient’s “systems” as needed: their doctors, family members, diets, and lifestyles, to help them achieve their best health.

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What's New

Walk It Off!

Walking is an underappreciated form of exercise. It’s not just for senior citizens in the mall. It’s a great way to get back into an

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Colonoscopies Save Lives!

March is national colorectal cancer awareness month so we’re doing our part to help you understand the benefits of screening and early detection. Colon cancer,

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