Acupuncture & Nutrition Articles

Health and Wellness Blog

The Mother of All Drugs

Despite the laboring, it has been said that there is no “high” quite like the experience of birthing a child. Yes, there’s the excitement of welcoming a baby into the family and for some, solving the gender mystery of the baby that’s been growing in utero for nine months. But

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Don’t Lose That Lovin’ Feeling!

Do you experience tingling, numbness, weakness or pain in your hands or feet? If so, you may have peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage to the peripheral nerves (nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord) that coordinate signals between the brain and the rest of the

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And They’re Baaaaaack….

It seems allergy season is starting early this year. Our patients who usually come for their preventive allergy treatments in March are already starting to feel symptoms, while others are seeking treatment for sinus infections. Perhaps it’s because we didn’t have a cold enough winter or spring is springing early

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Can You Predict How Healthfully You’ll Age?

Did you know that the length of your telomeres may be a predictor of how healthy you will age? What the heck is a telomere, you ask? Telomeres are compound structures found at the end of your chromosomes that protect the ends from becoming frayed or tangled. Our bodies are

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