Acupuncture & Nutrition Articles

Health and Wellness Blog

Creaking Bones? Arthritis Doesn’t Have To Be So Scary

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. have arthritis. The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and each wreaks havoc on the body in different ways. The more common form is osteoarthritis, which involves wear and

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EAR ye, EAR ye – Have You Heard About Auricular Acupuncture

One of the coolest things about acupuncture is that you can treat the ENTIRE body and just about every condition through points in the ear (known as auricular acupuncture). Just like how the brain is laid out in what’s called “homunculus” or “upside down man” where the top of the

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Feeling BLAH? It’s Called “Languishing”

The words they use may be different, but our patients are overwhelmingly describing similar feelings: …I’m just so tired …I’m depressed, but not in the traditional sense …I just haven’t gotten my mojo back since COVID …I don’t know how to interact with people anymore …I feel anxious all the

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Bell’s Palsy: It’s A Drag

We’ve been treating several patients over the past two months who are suffering from Bell’s palsy, so we thought it a good time to share some information about it. Bell’s palsy is a condition marked by sudden weakness in one’s facial muscles that make it appear as if one side

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