Acupuncture & Nutrition Articles

Health and Wellness Blog

Sleep On It

People spend one third of their lives sleeping yet never spend much time considering what happens while you sleep. Although the idea of sleeping is such a common and simple concept, sleep is one of the most complex and mysterious processes that exist. Sleep is essential for proper body and

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Shingles are for rooftops!

Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus, Varicella-zoster. Shingles is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus that can appear years after a person has had chickenpox. There is no known reason for the reactivation of the virus, but it is thought that a person with a weakened immune

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Who doesn’t love a beautiful summer day? Warm, sunny weather makes that morning walk, bike ride or daily exercise even more enjoyable. People flock to beaches and swimming pools to soak up the rays of the sun and doing so provides so many positive benefits. The sun enhances our mood

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Don’t Get Ticked Off!

This month’s topic might make your skin crawl, but we promise it’s all with good intentions! It’s that time of the year again…tick season. But what is the danger of ticks? Ticks are known to be possible carriers of disease. One of the most common is Lyme disease, which is

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